Monday will mark the 499th anniversary of the beginning of what can be considered the most momentous event that took place in the church since the first century: The Protestant Reformation. I like to celebrate Reformation Day simply because it reminds me that, where it not for the courageous men who took on the Roman Catholic establishment, we today may not know half of what we know about the Bible. Up to that point, the Catholic hierarchy had so suppressed the knowledge of the Scriptures, that few were in the know about some of the cardinal doctrines of the faith.
The Reformation was based on five “Solas” one of which was “Sola Scriptura.” In homage to that outstanding doctrine, I’d like to present to you, dear reader, a series of two articles that discuss the importance of the Scriptures focusing on the creation story found in Genesis. Genesis forms the foundation for all that is the revelation of God. Without it, the origin of life and what it all means would be lost and we would find ourselves wondering about trying to figure out what life is all about. But with the truth of Genesis clearly established, we can then move on to the rest of the Bible knowing that the God who created the universe that Genesis speaks about, is in control of that creation and that nothing happens by chance.
As society becomes more and more
hostile to the basic tenets of Christianity, many within the church are looking
for ways to accommodate their objections. The desire to be “all things to all
people” is being taken to extremes today which Paul, who coined the phrase in his
first letter to the Corinthians, would not recognize. We see it in the rush to
try and defend the so-called “Gay Christian” movement. But none is perhaps as
insidious as the desire to abandon the foundational doctrine of the inerrancy
and complete truthfulness of the Scriptures. And the reason this is so
dangerous is simply because if the Bible, even in some of its pronouncements,
cannot be trusted, then what in fact can we trust? In that light, then, we see
the challenge of Genesis chapter one as a key in the debate on whether the
Scriptures are, in fact, true.
Many would like to tell usthat
whether we believe that Genesis one is literally true or whether it is
allegorical doesn’t really matter. To hear them tell it, we can still be Christians
and have the idea that Genesis chapter one simply represents for us an idea of
what creation is, but that it really didn’t happen that way. But the problem
with that position is that it ignores the effect that such a position will have on
the rest of the Scriptures and on the faith of the believer. There are eight
foundational doctrines that get their start right there in Genesis chapter one.
If Genesis chapter one is not literally true, then the foundation for many
doctrines begins to crumble. Let’s examine three of these together this time
and five more next time.
One provides a foundation for faith in
God. Right there in the beginning, we are told that God
is what we have come to believe He is. He is transcendent and uncreated. He is
above his creation and is not part of it. He is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent
and loving. If He is able to create the universe, then He is able to provide
for every one of our needs and we can have confidence that He will do what He
says He will do. What happens then, if the history of creation is not true? We
will then not be sure whether God is what He claims to be. If He has not told
us how He brought about the world, how do we know that anything He has told us
about Himself is true. The foundation for trust in God and in who He is will
suffer a mortal blow.
One is the
foundation for faith in Scripture. If the first verse of Genesis is true, then whatever else the Scriptures
tell us about God’s work and His miraculous undertakings, can also be trusted
as true. A God who creates the universe can certainly raise the dead, heal the
sick and, yes, rise from the dead Himself. However, if Genesis one is not true,
then we can’t know whether the miracles of the Bible are in fact historical
events or whether they are the creation of fertile imaginations who sought to
convince others of the truth of their delusions. Indeed, critics of the Genesis
account understand the foundation that the first three chapters provide to the
rest of Scripture. In their zeal to disprove the Bible and its claims, they
attack Genesis for the simple reason that, if they succeed in destroying
confidence in it, then they will succeed in bringing down the entire edifice of
Biblical revelation. Thus, the thought that we can believe the Bible, but consider
Genesis optional is irrational.
Genesis One is the
foundation for ultimate questions. What does every
person on the planet wonder at one time or another: Where do I come from? Why
am I here? Where am I going? Every human being has some sense of his place in
the universe and a desire to find out why he is who he is and why he is where
he is. It is as natural as breathing that a person will want to understand the
why’s and the how’s of his existence. That is one of the primary reasons why
atheism is such a dead end philosophy. It provides man nothing more than faith
in an unknown “chance” that somehow managed to, without having a thinking brain
of its own, bring about all of us thinking and feeling creatures. The
foolishness of such a thought is self-evident. But if Genesis one is not true,
then where do we go for meaning? If God did not in fact create us just as he
describes in that chapter, then who did? We will be left without purpose and
without aim. Life, in other words, will be empty and meaningless!
Stay tuned
next time for the conclusion.
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