This is the third and final installment of my review of Evangelism in the Early Church.
The Christians and the Jews
it comes to the relationship between Judaism and Christianity in the early
church, Green believes that the mission of the early Christians to the Jews was
a failure. In human terms, you could say that it was, since very few Jews,
comparatively speaking, were converted. However, if you understand Paul’s
insight when you read Romans 11, not only was that the design of God, but it
was also intended for very specific purposes. The change in focus of the early
church to the Gentiles, would have been much more "strained" had the
Jews not rejected the good news the way they did. Paul makes the point that
because of the Jewish rejection, the Gentiles were "grafted in."
Thus, it is not that the early church “failed” to reach the Jews, but that the
Jews, in their rejection of their Messiah, in turn fulfilled the purposes of
God for the Gentiles.