Saturday, October 31, 2015
"Sola Scriptura"

Saturday, October 24, 2015
Christianity and the Mystery Religions
I recently finished reading a book by Ronald Nash entitled “The
Gospel and the Greeks.” The thesis of the book is the examination of the link,
if such exists, between Christianity and the mythical religions and
philosophies of the ancient world, especially the Greco-Roman
world. Granted, the regular Joe down the street is not likely to get into a
deep theological discussion with you about how Jesus is supposed to be an
amalgamation of the different “gods” who died and were resurrected in
antiquity. However, as with the Davinci Code and other such films and books, he
may have heard something about this and other myths that many internet “scholars” peddle trying to discredit the historicity of the New Testament.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Corrupt Communication
chapter four exhorts us to “not let any corrupt communication come from your
lips.” But, what exactly does it mean when Paul says “corrupt communication?”
Is it determined by the culture? What words did Paul have in mind? Obviously,
Paul could not have had English words in mind since the language did not even
exist. However, the principle is what we’re dealing with here. You’ll hear many
people speak about the fact that words really are just that, words. Remember
the saying “sticks and stone will break my bones, but words will never hurt me?”
That’s how many approach this subject.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Can Man Really Fool God, Really? - by Harland R. Huntoon
Since earliest times, man has renounced and defied any power greater
than himself. Yet, in moments of greatest
calamity, stress and fear, these very men have uttered contradictory statements
affirming the existence of a Higher Power.
Whoever said it, the obnoxious Frenchman Voltaire or the notorious
atheist, Bertrand Russell, whose book “Why I Am Not A Christian” only magnified
his ignorance, what really matters are the dying words spoken by one of them,
“Oh God, if there is a God, save my soul, if I have a soul, from hell, if there
is a hell.”
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Evolution or God?
A friend pointed me to this video. Although at first I thought it would be more of the sappy stuff that creationist all too often, unfortunately, are known for, I found it enlightening and informative. Check out the last part of the video especially for an eye opening exposure to the fallacies of evolution and how so many young people, and some not so young, have become captives to the "rudiments of the world." (Colossians 2:8). If you have children who are old enough to understand this, and especially those who are in high school and nearing college age, I hope you'll show it to them. It breaks my heart to see so many kids, most of them even younger than my own and not much older than my grand kids, being fed such falsehoods!
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