One of the unfortunate side effects of growing old (aside
from the inevitable toll time takes on the body)
is the fact that those around you, loved ones, friends and acquaintances, begin
to pass from this life with greater frequency. This was made more obvious and
real this week when I received word that my great aunt, who was a sort of
second mother to me, passed away. No doubt those of you reading this will
likely have experienced the death of a loved one at one time or another.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Generalities, Generalities!
of the things that we humans engage in without giving it a second thought is
the use of generalities when we’re trying to prove a point. For example, you
may have a person trying to prove that a certain politician is less than honest
by saying something to the effect that “everyone knows that all politicians are
dishonest.” Thus, we cement our belief in the dishonesty of the one by
appealing to what “everyone” knows about the others. This is no different when it comes to
religion in general and the Bible specifically. As you know, I’ve been
reviewing a work by a former member of the church of Christ (or CofC) that is
scathing in its accusations and unsparing in its criticisms. This week, I’ll
review the author’s penchant for using generalities to try and prove his points.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Proof Texting and Its Dangers
read a blog article some weeks ago where a Roman Catholic apologist discussed
the issue of proof texting and its uses. For those of you who may be unfamiliar
with the term, proof texting is the use of a select number of texts (usually a
verse or two each), to try and “prove” your premise. For example, we in the
church of Christ are famous for our use of Acts 2:38 to try and prove that
baptism is for the remission of sins and that, without it, no one can be saved.
Now, I’m not at all saying that such use of that verse is necessarily wrong.
Nor am I implying that there are not doctrines that are very well contained
within a couple of verses (take for example what Paul declares to be the gospel
in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4). But I am saying that we can run afoul of the truth of
Scripture when we make it a habit to develop our theology from a few isolated
verses here and there.
Monday, November 30, 2015
How Much Can We Trust Our Emotions?
It is axiomatic that a man should be careful
how much he trusts his emotions or he is likely to be led astray by them. This
came to my mind reading the first chapter of “Inside the Churches of Christ.” The cornerstone of the argument
the author, Charles Simpson makes, is that in 50 years of membership in the
church of Christ, he never experienced much emotion at all, either from himself
or other members of the church. It was not until he abandoned the CofC and
joined a Baptist church that he began to experience what he termed the right
kind of emotion. As an example, he tells us that he had “never wept when
praying in the CofC, but the first time I prayed in the Baptist church I wept
openly.” The implication is that the CofC lacks the right measure of emotion,
as defined by the author, but the Baptist church has just the right amount.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
The “Church of Christ”: A Cult By Any Other Name?
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Is Theistic Evolution Really A Problem?
I recently came across an article by columnist Michael Brendan
Dougherty entitled “In
Defense of Creationists.” According to Mr. Dougherty, the article was
motivated by a debate he had recently witnessed between creationist Ken Ham,
and evolutionary scientist Bill Nye (you will probably remember him from the
“Bill Nye The Science Guy” television program on PBS). What I found most
fascinating about this whole article was the fact that, although the title
seems to indicate that the author is a committed creationist, his views do not
at all coincide with Ham’s. It is curious to find an article with such a title
which then proceeds to tell us why the one he is “defending” is completely
wrong in his assertions.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
The Politics of Christianity
Politics is once again taking center stage in our country. In just over a
year, the United States will elect a new president after eight years of
Democratic Party domination of that office (of course, the possibility exists
that another Democratic candidate will be elected to the office). Whether that
domination has been good or bad depends on who you ask, of course. But it is
undeniable that our country has undergone a tremendous change over those eight
years. When Barak Obama took the oath of office in January 2009, The Defense of
Marriage Act (DOMA), Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and a myriad of other legislations
were the law of the land. Now, just seven years later, they have practically
all been abandoned or superseded.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
"Sola Scriptura"
our American society has made of October 31st a major holiday of
dubious worth, a much more important and significant event took place on this
date. Four hundred ninety eight years ago today, Martin Luther propagated his
famous 95 theses (you can read them here), an
action that reverberated all the way to Rome and launched what has come to be
known as the Protestant Reformation. Although there were a variety of issues
and abuses that led Luther to oppose the papacy and its authority, the primary
issue centered on the sale of indulgences to parishioners. This involved the
payment by the laity to the clergy of a fee in order to ensure that their loved
ones were released from purgatory. In some instances, their own sins could be forgiven
and their penance reduced with such documents (how those in purgatory were to
prove that their living loved ones had purchased such documents seemed to have
escaped the “faithful”!).
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Christianity and the Mystery Religions
I recently finished reading a book by Ronald Nash entitled “The
Gospel and the Greeks.” The thesis of the book is the examination of the link,
if such exists, between Christianity and the mythical religions and
philosophies of the ancient world, especially the Greco-Roman
world. Granted, the regular Joe down the street is not likely to get into a
deep theological discussion with you about how Jesus is supposed to be an
amalgamation of the different “gods” who died and were resurrected in
antiquity. However, as with the Davinci Code and other such films and books, he
may have heard something about this and other myths that many internet “scholars” peddle trying to discredit the historicity of the New Testament.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Corrupt Communication
chapter four exhorts us to “not let any corrupt communication come from your
lips.” But, what exactly does it mean when Paul says “corrupt communication?”
Is it determined by the culture? What words did Paul have in mind? Obviously,
Paul could not have had English words in mind since the language did not even
exist. However, the principle is what we’re dealing with here. You’ll hear many
people speak about the fact that words really are just that, words. Remember
the saying “sticks and stone will break my bones, but words will never hurt me?”
That’s how many approach this subject.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Can Man Really Fool God, Really? - by Harland R. Huntoon
Since earliest times, man has renounced and defied any power greater
than himself. Yet, in moments of greatest
calamity, stress and fear, these very men have uttered contradictory statements
affirming the existence of a Higher Power.
Whoever said it, the obnoxious Frenchman Voltaire or the notorious
atheist, Bertrand Russell, whose book “Why I Am Not A Christian” only magnified
his ignorance, what really matters are the dying words spoken by one of them,
“Oh God, if there is a God, save my soul, if I have a soul, from hell, if there
is a hell.”
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Evolution or God?
A friend pointed me to this video. Although at first I thought it would be more of the sappy stuff that creationist all too often, unfortunately, are known for, I found it enlightening and informative. Check out the last part of the video especially for an eye opening exposure to the fallacies of evolution and how so many young people, and some not so young, have become captives to the "rudiments of the world." (Colossians 2:8). If you have children who are old enough to understand this, and especially those who are in high school and nearing college age, I hope you'll show it to them. It breaks my heart to see so many kids, most of them even younger than my own and not much older than my grand kids, being fed such falsehoods!
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
When the People of God Fall in Love With Their Stuff
No country in the
history of the world has been wealthier in absolute terms than the United
States. Although there have been nations with more far flung empires (Great
Britain, Rome, Spain), none of them even approached the level of opulence that
this country has reached. By way of example, consider the gross national
product (GDP). At present (September of 2015), the nation’s GDP is over $17
trillion. That’s a figure that the human mind simply cannot comprehend. If you were to
visually represent that figure, it would be like stacking $1,000 dollar bills
to an altitude of 1,139 miles! That is much more than enough to reach well into
outer space. If that doesn’t impress you, take that number in $1 bills
and that string, placed end to end, will be enough to get you to Saturn and
back, a trip of nearly 1.6 billion miles!!!
Friday, September 11, 2015
Does the Bible Teach us to Take up the Sword?
The other day I was listening to a webcast where
the host read an article about the Bible and the Qur’an. The general premise of
the article was that both, the Bible and the Qur’an, called for believers to slaughter
unbelievers. When it came to the Bible, the author quoted the instances where
God commanded the Israelites to exterminate the Amalekites and other
inhabitants of the Promised Land. This was done in an effort to show, or so the
writer thought, how both religions have had their “dark periods where they
promoted genocide.”
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Evangelism Methodology: What’s the best way to evangelize?
see them often around the neighborhood and they have likely knocked on your
door and left you some literature at time or two. They are the Jehovah’s Witnesses Publishers
and the Mormon “elders.” They are in the forefront of what used to be referred
to as door knocking and they have made great inroads into the evangelistic
world with that tactic.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Should the Bible be Taken as Literal Truth?
I heard a program recently where a Bible teacher expressed his
distaste at some of the events portrayed in the Old Testament. Specifically, he
was declaring that 1 Samuel 15, where God commands Saul to destroy Amalek to
include men, women and children, should not be taken literally. The basic
premise for this belief is the fact that, according to this individual, the
revelation of God in Jesus would necessarily preclude us from interpreting such
events literally. It is not possible, according to the teacher, for God to be
the God of the Old Testament, if we are to interpret those events literally,
and also be the God that was revealed in the New Testament in Jesus.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
The Hierarchy of the Early Church
In a fine article concerning the early church and its governing structure,
Michael Kruger, the dean of the Reformed Theological Seminary and a noted
expert in biblical canonical issues, wrote that the early church’s structure
was composed of a plurality of elders in each congregation. These individuals
were, in the words of the apostle Paul, the overseers of “the church of God
which he purchased with his own blood” (Acts 20:28). This was not only the
biblical model (see 1 Timothy and Titus), but also a historical fact. The early
church understood the guidance the apostles provided about such matters and
strove to be faithful to it. But as with so many things in the church, however,
this structure did not last.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
The Pitfalls of Verse Against Verse Hermeneutics
ran across an article the other day on a website called The particular
article centered on a question regarding whether the church of Christ is a
“good” biblical church. The answer dealt with several different aspects that
the author thought were important to the question, but one in particular caught
my eye. The third issue identified by the author as being worthy of
consideration when it comes to the church of Christ, dealt with baptism and its
place in the church.
article began dealing with this issue by saying, “A third and very important
issue is the Church of Christ’s emphasis on baptism as being necessary for
salvation. Church of Christ advocates point to Scriptures such as Acts 2:38, John 3:5, Mark 16:16, 1 Peter 3:21, and Acts 22:16 as biblical evidence that baptism is required for salvation.”
So far so good, you will say. The problem comes as the author goes about trying
to refute the idea that baptism is part of the gospel and initial entrance into
the church. As with so many people who deny the essential nature of baptism and
its place within the church, this individual attempted to dismiss the
scriptures just cited by setting them against a number of others that seem to
indicate that baptism is not part of the initial salvation experience.
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Dangers for the Church part 2
The last time, we discussed a couple of the most salient dangers the church in our age is facing. This time, we close with two additional dangers that assail and will be more threatening to the health of the church and its influence in the world.
Danger number three: Denying the authority of scripture – Similar to the last danger—lack of knowledge—this is an insidious and increasingly common trait in churches. To cite one example, the ever stronger homosexual movement has created an environment where adhering to the authority of the Scriptures is looked upon as antiquated and bigoted. As a response to this attitude, many churches have begun to “rethink” their stance, not only regarding matters of sexuality, but also questioning the authority and even more dangerously, the inerrancy of the sacred text.
Danger number three: Denying the authority of scripture – Similar to the last danger—lack of knowledge—this is an insidious and increasingly common trait in churches. To cite one example, the ever stronger homosexual movement has created an environment where adhering to the authority of the Scriptures is looked upon as antiquated and bigoted. As a response to this attitude, many churches have begun to “rethink” their stance, not only regarding matters of sexuality, but also questioning the authority and even more dangerously, the inerrancy of the sacred text.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Dangers for the Church
Every generation of the church, whether in the 1st or the 21st century, has had to “contend for the faith once delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). From the beginning of the Christian faith, Christians have been called to not only apologize (from the Greek apologia or defend) for their faith, but also to defend it. And certainly, throughout the centuries we have had to defend that faith against various heresies and challenges. Today, our faith is under attack just as it has always been. We in the West have a tendency to have a warped sense of what really is happening with the church in the rest of the world. Our Western-centric world view leads us to discount what others are doing to allow the faith to flourish and continue to gain believers for the kingdom of God.
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Some thoughts on Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion"
I've recently read the Richard Dawkins best seller "The God Delusion." From the outset, let me tell you that if you're contemplating reading such a book, you should do so with a big dose of soberness and understanding. It is not for the faint of heart. And I say this, not because I found its arguments compelling, but because every page drips with the contempt that this individual has for religion and for Christianity specifically.
A new blog dedicated to issues dealing with the faith
Welcome to the blog. This blog is designed to give you information on articles, presentations and other media that I discover or examine in my studies. I intend to post reviews, comments and other information that may be too long or too short to do videos or to blog about current events and other matters dealing with the faith. I hope you will find it useful and that you will participate often and add to the knowledge base I seek to examine. Please ensure that whatever you post is first of all true and then respectful and courteous. If you make any claims of a controversial nature, be sure and quote the sources where you found the information. It goes without saying that the internet is full of less than factual information that is passed off as true and accurate. It behooves all of us to ensure that our sources are reliable and that we're not simply parroting what we've heard from secondary or even more removed sources. Check the blog often for new posts. Thank you and may God bless you as you seek His will. Mike
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