Life is fleeting and the time we spend on this earth will be gone before we know it. (James 4:15-16) Those of us who are getting into the sunset years of our lives can vividly remember the time when we thought that we would live forever. We were young and life seemed to be so full of possibilities. The horizons, if we even acknowledged them at all, seemed to be so far in the distance that we didn’t take time to consider and meditate on our lives and what they were all about. It is often said that youth is wasted on the young. Although we certainly can see why our younger years turned out the way they did, it nevertheless is a truism that we often pass our younger years with nary a thought as to where we are headed and why.
But for the child of God, life holds a wonderful meaning.
Not only do we have a life that is full and abundant, we also have a purpose; a
purpose which is the most important and transcendent there is. As we see those
around us leaving this “mortal coil,” we are reminded of our own mortality and
what it means to “redeem the times for the days are evil.” (Colossians 4:5) It
is always a sad thing when one passes away. It becomes even more difficult when
the one that dies is a non-believer, or at the very least, you don’t know
whether they were believers or not.
Paul wrote to the Thessalonians in the first century to
assuage their fears concerning those who had died in the Lord. There was a
widespread belief in the church among many in the first century that Jesus
would return during their lifetimes. Although the apostles did not specify any
such thing (you will remember that Jesus made it clear that no one knew the
time or the hour), many still believed and hoped it would be so. But Paul
reminds his readers in chapter 4 of the first epistle that the Lord will indeed
come and that he will take with Him those who had fallen asleep in Him. Thus, neither
the Thessalonians, nor any of us, need to worry or be sad about those who have
gone on who are in Christ. They will rise, then those of us who happen to be
alive at the Lord’s coming, will join them in the glorious destiny that He has
promised those who love him. (1 Thessalonians 4:14-18)
A wise man once said that life is made up of meetings and
partings. Although the death of a loved one is a painful parting and a time of
grief, it nevertheless reminds us that we are of those who have a heavenly
hope. In the words of the apostle again, “I do not want you to be like those
who have no hope,” (1 Thessalonians 4:13) because they, like us, do have hope.
We need not despair. Though we grieve in the flesh, we rejoice in the spirit as
we see the day approaching!
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