“What was
once condemned must now be accepted. What was once accepted must now be
condemned. Those who were at one time condemned must now be celebrated.” J.A.

Coming back
to our country, our government is hard at work attempting with all their might
to make of our society one that is amenable to an ever more expansive list of
perversions. And that is where our current concern comes in. The latest salvo
in the war on Christianity and its insistence that sexual freedom especially,
in this context, homosexuality, is sinful and must be spoken against, is a bill
proposed by a California congressman, Ricardo Lara. Lara’s proposed law (California
Senate Bill 1146) would implement sanctions against any institution that calls
itself religious, a code word nowadays for Christian, that “discriminates”
against homosexuals, transgender and other sexual deviants. The purported goal
of the legislation is to prohibit such institutions from requiring that its
student body or its faculty adhere to certain Moral (again, code word for
Christian) principles.
It does not
take a genius to realize that such laws would effectively deal a death blow to
any college that calls itself Christian. To be sure, there are an ever
increasing number of such institutions that have “cried uncle” and have decided
that it is better to offer the pinch of incense to Caesar than to stand for the
truth of the gospel. But those who refuse to so do, will see their activities
curtailed and will eventually be unable to continue to function while upholding
their gospel-centered beliefs. It is impossible for a college that stands for
the truth of the gospel to allow on its campuses the perversions that the
homosexual community engages in.
The most
insidious aspect of all this, however, is that, as the title of this article
points out, evil and corruption often have very nice faces. As the apostle
reminded the Corinthians two millennia ago, “and no wonder for Satan himself is
transformed into an angel of light. Therefore, it is not surprising that his
servants will do so” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). That may sound harsh, but the
reality is that the world is divided into only two camps: those who are the
sons of light and those who are the sons of darkness. One serves the Lord God,
the other serves their father the Devil. And that last camp includes many who
are “some of the nicest people you ever saw.”
Why is this
important for the rank and file Christian? After all, the number of people who
are associated with Christian colleges and other schools is relatively small
when compared with the entirety of the Christian population. It matters just as
anything else matters: what affects one part of the Christian body affects all
of it (1 Corinthians 12; Romans 12). As believers, we cannot run and hide while
our Christian brothers and sisters have to face the battles that society is
bringing to their doorsteps. For example, there are a number of movements afoot
that would seek to force congregations to open their restrooms to transgender
people for their use as they see fit (i.e. a biological man who “identifies” as
a woman can use the women’s bathroom). It will not be long before
all this comes to affect all of us directly and if we insist on putting our
collective heads in the sand or looking the other way, we will be caught
unawares and unprepared.
In all
areas of life, from schooling to employment, Christianity is under attack and often,
unfortunately, in retreat. Witness the headline from another article published
recently dealing with homosexuality and the government’s effort to accommodate
and promote it: “Amid shouts of ‘shame, shame’ from Dems, House GOP defeats
House gay protection measure.” One of the ways that evil seeks to have its way
is by the constant use of nice sounding euphemisms that make its evil designs
sound oh so reasonable. And in this case, notice the language used, “gay
protection measure.” In reality, it is nothing of the sort. What the “measure”
seeks to do is to prohibit those who do business with the federal government
from disallowing homosexuals and other such individuals from joining their
ranks. In other words, if you’re a business owned by a Christian family and you
do not hire people who are homosexuals (notice how no mention is made of
cohabitating couples, adulterers and such), then you can no longer do business
with the government. Again, although the measure is cloaked in the language of
general discrimination, who other than Christian organizations engage in such
behavior? It will be interesting to see how the government will react the first
time they have to apply such a law to an Islamic business!
In sum, our
nice neighbors can be some of the most discriminatory people on the face of the
planet. And they engage in such behavior while at the same time accusing you of
the very thing they are routinely doing. But, the light of the gospel will
never be extinguished. The only question is whether we will remain a light to
our society or whether we will become like those who have allowed themselves to
be dragged along by the currents of what society finds acceptable.
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