Witness, for example, a recent series of Zoom meetings that took place in support of Kamala Harris and her campaign. During the meetings, two of which were reserved for white people (one for white men and one for white women), it was easy to see how sad the left has become and how ignorant people in this country are. Quotes such as "I'm voting for Harris because she is a black woman" are all over the place. Imagine that. Consider for a moment if someone began to say that they are voting for Trump because he is a white man. The ignorance of such a statement is obvious for all to see. Yet, many compatriots in our land are doing just that: voting for people because they want a black person, or a white person, or because they don't like the color of the one or the other.
Then there is the recent choice that Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris made of her running mate for the general election. Tim Walz is as much a leftist as there is in America. In a recent ad in which he appeared, he is speaking about how Minnesota (the state of which he is governor) does not ban minors from trans surgeries, how he supports abortion basically on demand and to the point of birth, and how he does not approve of the government getting into "your bed." In other words, Walz wants us to believe that he is a paladin protecting people's rights.
Our society has made the aforementioned "Ignorance is Strength" into its motto, proudly. The more ignorant people are, the better. To make the internet one's encyclopedia, especially opinionated podcasts a la Joe Rogan or The Young Turks, is to be among the most enlightened people in our world. Yet, with few exceptions, the internet is full of individuals who know little about what they are discussing, a fact that leads one to believe that those listening to them and considering them authorities are even more in the dark than the podcasters themselves.
Getting back to Walz and the Democrats, they are often heard complaining that conservatives are eager to get into their bodies, or their beds, or their homes, etc., etc. Yet, they are the ones who, like the recent law passed in the UK, are anxious to police your thoughts. The law in the UK makes it illegal for someone to even forward a tweet, for example, that is deemed to be insulting or offensive to particular ethnicities. Of course, the people charged with determining who exactly such tweets are supposed to hurt, are people who are, almost without exception, white liberals who know next to nothing about the ethnicities they purport to protect. Indeed, Orwellian is the only way that the ideal society the left wants to usher in can be described. The left has become expert at reflecting what they themselves do unto their opponents.
There is much hand wringing on the conservative side of the isle about the possibility that Harris will win the election. After all, remember that 32% of the voting populace thought that Joe Biden could and should be reelected to a second term. So it's not surprising that many believe that Harris would make a good president. Nevertheless, the Christian knows one overarching truth: whether Harris or Trump (or someone else) ends up becoming president it will be God's will. It is our hope, our comfort, and our joy to know that no man determines our destiny. Only the great I AM does!
Nice assessment, Michael. Bravo.